Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

Chef Rvm Cookbook

<p>manages system-wide and per-user rvms and manages installed rubies. several lightweight resources and providers (lwrp) are also defined.installs and manages rvm.. Chef cookbook with resources to install and configure ruby via the ruby version manager (rvm).. This will install ruby on your node and register the node at the chef server. now you’re ready to run cookbooks on that node. the rvm_ree_default cookbook.

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Infrastructure as code (bbworld/devcon13)

I'm trying to install rvm with amazon opsworks using the following cookbook https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm. i want rvm to run under the user tomcat6, so i. I've been running into issues when trying to run the rvm::user recipe from fnichol/chef-rvm. i'm using chef along with a vagrant box. rvm installs fine, but every. Use opscode chef omnibus ruby for chef and writing chef cookbooks, set up a “real” rvm/rbenv ruby needed for writing chef cookbooks by.

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