Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Chef Cookbook Hello World

Chef hello world by gareth rushgrove not just how to download someone elses cookbook. a hello world example for chef if you will.. Supermarket belongs to the community. supermarket belongs to the community. while chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality. A 'hello world' example for using chef in windows on the rightscale cloud management platform..

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Readme.md description. this is a very simple 'hello world' recipe to get people started with chef. if the recipe is excuted with no attributes then it will echo 'hello world'.. Cookbooks are one of the key components in chef. they describe the desired state of your nodes, and allow chef to push out the changes needed to achieve this state. We'll then work our way up to authoring and deploying our first cookbook windows, knife, cookbook, iis, windows chef tools to author the cookbooks.

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