Senin, 30 April 2018

Chef Cookbook Rbenv

Ruby_rbenv cookbook (1.1.0) centos, fedora, freebsd, debian, ubuntu, redhat, suse, gentoo, arch, mac_os_x, scientific, amazon, linuxmint. rbenv cookbook. installs and manages your versions of ruby and gems in chef with rbenv and ruby_build. rbenv; ruby_build; requirements. chef 10. Psf-chef - chef configuration and cookbooks for the python software foundation. python / psf-chef. code. issues 1. (via rbenv installer https:.

Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)

Infrastructure as code (bbworld/devcon13)

Awesome Community Chefs - Chef Blog

Awesome community chefs - chef blog

Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)

Infrastructure as code (bbworld/devcon13)

I have a problem with chef rbenv cookbook. once i start to bootstrap a server it gives me a error: could not find user recipe for cookbook rbenv but the recipe is in. I'm trying to create a chef cookbook for provisioning a machine with rbenv, postgres, and the jdk, but i'm running into problems with dependencies. i created a chef. Rbenv cookbook. installs and manages your versions of ruby and gems in chef with rbenv and ruby_build. rbenv; ruby_build; requirements. chef 10; centos / redhat.

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